💎Arcas Token

ARCAS is the Governance and Revenue Share token of the Ecosystem. It secures the ARCAS DAO Treasury which collects revenue share from operations and approves yield changes for Revenue sharing. Through our Compete and Earn framework, the token also has unique deflationary mechanics which over time lock tokens inside Player owned NFTs, creating a gradual Power to the Players deflationary mechanism which transfers Revenue Share and Governance power permanently over to Players.


The Arcas token is now on BNB chain, Ethereum and Soneium.

BNB Contract Address: 0xAd0926eCf31719263DC86426024794332d9dD9A3 bscscan ETH Contract Address: 0x570f09ac53b96929e3868f71864e36ff6b1b67d7 etherscan Soneium Contract Address: 0x570f09ac53b96929e3868f71864e36ff6b1b67d7 blockscout On BNB Chain we are listed on Pancakeswap and Thena On Ethereum we are listed on Uniswap On Soneium we are listed on KyoFinance

The Bridge address for BNB <-> ETH on both chains: 0xeee45df26c262b7069b87dB80262768B80Ca23a3

The Bridge address for ETH <-> Soneium on both chains: 0x392440db3BeF15ea5E9aAdE9ddf72e923556001E

Tokenomics Update - 16 Oct 2024

The total supply is 99,433,158 as 566,842 tokens have been burnt/lost.

Circulating Supply ≈ 69.4%

Ecosystem Reserve & Founder Tokens ≈ 30%

Team Treasury BNB - 20,000,000≈ 20%

These tokens are to be utilised for the onboarding of team/advisors, fundraising, marketing and ecosystem incentives. The tokens are secured under a 5/6 multisig operated by team members distributed across 5 different countries.

Founder Tokens - 10,000,000 ≈ 10%

The tokens are secured by a decentralised multisig and will not be sold on the market. They will be staked by the founder (Daniel Fong) to earn dividend from the revenues and operations of the organisation.

DEX Tools Pair and Info



*Please note, the bottom prices shown on Coinmarketcap and Coingecko are incorrect due to it not factoring the token and liquidity migration. The lowest price for ARCAS is 0.0124c from July 2021. The token migrated on the 1st of October 2023 at around 0.018c.

Token Stats

You can view statistics related to the ARCAS token on our Dune analytics dashboard: https://dune.com/dandadev/arcas

Last updated